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Have you ever heard God speak to you? And have you ever responded?

One night, around 3 a.m., Author Daniel Essien was awoken by a voice that turned out to be God Himself. This began a conversation with God that lasted for almost 3 months. During the conversation, God gave Daniel simple instructions for quick prayer manifestation. These instructions are carefully explained in his book, “God’s Phone Number,” so you too can quickly manifest your desires.

This thought-provoking, inspirational and comforting prayer guide describes how God speaks to all of us every day. We just need to be better listeners and learn to keep the conversation going…through prayer! Essien’s down-to-earth dialogue with God provides clear steps that will:

Perhaps you’re looking for answers or a new spiritual path. Maybe you need help coping with troubles in your world. You might even need a miracle. With your new skills as a joyful prayer warrior, you’ll be able to hear from God and know exactly how to respond.

Get ready for the best conversation of your life!!!

Midwest Editorial Book Review

An inspired and inspiring DIY instructional guide and manual, "God's Phone Number: Instantly Talk to God and Quickly Turn Your Wishes into Fulfilled Prayers" is an extraordinarily inspiring, life-enhancing, spiritually nourishing, thoughtful and thought provoking read that is highly recommended for personal, clergy, seminary, and college/university library Christian Self-Help and Christian Devotional collections.

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Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the author at essienpublishing@yahoo.com

About Daniel

About Daniel

Tired of feeling lost in life and feeling left out in church without the desired answers, Daniel Essien decided to forge a direct relationship with God to look for answers on his own.

This is the story of his journey that led to a personal conversation with God, a conversation that created a profound new connection to his faith and a deep fulfillment in his life. With “God's Phone Number,” Essien hopes you will consciously connect—or re-connect—with God in your own way, and find the answers to your deepest desires.

Daniel Essien is an author and entrepreneur. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, where he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. Due to his conversations with God, he has become more joyful, and he enjoys sharing his joy with as many that desires it. He is inspired by prayer every day.

Contact Daniel

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I'd love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or feedback or if you simply need additional resources. My contact information is as follows:


I look forward to hearing from you!

Special Ordering Information

Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the author at essienpublishing@yahoo.com

Copyright © 2020 | God's Phone Number By Essien Publishing LLC.